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In the last post, I looked at the …


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安德魯Andrew 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Example Corrected Essay Page 2.JPG

In the last few posts, I explained how ‘correction’ of written work can be done well, or done badly, and if it is done badly, this correction can be useless – and that maybe your teacher is not as wonderful as you think. In the previous few post, we began practicing using error coding to correct the last paragraph of the essay – see the picture above. So, how did you go with the last paragraph? Well, here are the answers.


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Example Corrected Essay Page 2.JPG



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IELTS Voice actors ..etc...JPG

Practical IELTS Streategies 6-IELTS TEST Practice Book 2-01.jpg


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Teacher Andrew, ready to start.JPG

Jenny %26; Emma II.JPG


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Example Corrected Essay, Page 1.JPG

Example Corrected Essay Page 2.JPG


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Example Corrected Essay, Page 1.JPG

Example Corrected Essay Page 2.JPG


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Example Corrected Essay, Page 1.JPG

In the last few posts, I looked at the …


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Example Corrected Essay, Page 1.JPG

In the last few posts, I looked at the …


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Example Corrected Essay, Page 1.JPG



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Example Corrected Essay, Page 1.JPG

In the last few posts, I looked at the …


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In the last two posts, I looked at the …


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In the last post, I looked at the …


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Instant IELTS ‘experts’ have been regularly emerging, and there are established 'experts' playing all sorts of tricks. You, the student, need to be an intelligent consumer. You could easily waste a lot of time and money, and send your IELTS mark downwards. In this post, I’ll look at the …


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The last two posts about Morocco show both the good and bad (or rather, the bad and the good). Yes, there is good, and we hope we can encounter it. But there is bad, also. This links to IELTS Preparation in this country. Let us look at what I wrote in the first Moroccan entry.


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Continuing with my account about Morocco, I had some bad experiences in the north, so I fled down south, to a quieter town called Taghazout. There I spent three weeks studying French, to help me travel through Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. Eventually, I decided to ‘hit the road’ again, but I could see the Atlas Mountains on the skyline. The Atlas Mountains are a series of three parallel mountain ranges that run through Morocco, and make this country a rather more interesting place than the flat ‘Saharan’ countries further inland or along the North Africa coast. So, I decided to take a bus up to a small village in these mountains [see the above picture]. I had a bad experience even getting onto the bus, with another hustler extorting money from me. Then I sat on the bus, and eventually relaxed a bit as it wound up the picturesque road into the mountains. 


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Continuing with my account about Morocco, I have to say that I had very mixed feelings about the country, and would be hesitant to recommend it to travelers. The issue results from when a poor country has decades of heavy tourism. That country eventually starts to depend on that tourism, and this can change the nature of many of the people. It can even corrupt them altogether, and this is the problem I had in Morocco. The average European traveler to Morocco is far richer than the average Moroccan, and every one in Morocco knows this.


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A Saharan Jaunt.jpg

Yes, look at the picture, and try to guess where I am. Well, I guess the title of the book (and this is the cover page) gives away everything. Yes, I have led quite an interesting life, and the book is a travelogue about my travels across North Africa (right through the Sahara desert, right in the era of the first Gulf War, when no one (who was sane) ventured into that part of the world. It was a bit rough, more than a bit dangerous, but I got through it – just. And I even wrote this book about it.


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