Let’s do Collocation Again, Okay? (10 of 12)
Collocation is the key to getting a higher IELTS Writing and Speaking score, but it is not easy. Students often do not collocate words very well (which is why they don’t receive IELTS 7 or 8). To have ‘a sense of collocation’ (= IELTS 7), you need to have some familiarity with English. So, start reading all my pixnet posts, and getting this familiarity, right? By the way, you can learn more about me at www.aisielts.com .
In the meantime, the following exercises will help.
Time to Practice
Can you ‘fix’ the following sentences by changing (or removing) the underlined word? There may be different ways to answer this. The answers will be in the next 'collocation' post.
People still smoke, despite the formidable risks.
The greatest reason people smoke is for relief.
Increasing the cigarette tax can fix the situation.
The radiation may leak out.
It is not a wise option of energy.
The energy is ample for both household and factory needs.
The energy can support the public’s demand.
Nuclear energy has a great cost on the environment.
Answers to Collocation 9 of 12
We must take attention on people’s mental health.
We must pay attention to people’s mental health.
This is really just a grammar, ‘wrong word’ issue, rather than bad collocation.
This prevents people from making crime.
This prevents people from committing crime.
Deaths reduce when gun control measures are conducted.
Deaths reduce when gun control measures are implemented/instituted/undertaken.
We conduct studies, orchestras, business, surveys, interviews, and experiments.
Guns can kill widely.
Guns can kill indiscriminately.
This is a difficult adverb, right, but it is the best fit here. Indiscriminately' means everyone around the place, and not just some of them. For example, sarin nerve gas is an indiscriminate killers. Everyone who breathes it in will become paralysed.
The earth is under the risk of being hit by comets.
The earth faces the risk of being hit by comets.
The movie won a great reputation.
The movie gained/developed/established a great reputation.
Goverments spend too much on discovering space.
Goverments spend too much on exploring space.
Abandoned satellites would flow in space.
Abandoned satellites would float/drift/orbit in space.
Remember, you can learn more about me at www.aisielts.com .