Would you go to a doctor who didn't have a degree, and no experience?  I hope not, because it might kill you. It is similar with IELTS Preparation teachers. It seems new 'experts' are appearing every day, popping up like mushrooms. I normally don't put Chinese on this blog, but this time I will, because if you are thinking about preparing for the IELTS, it's very important for you to know exactly about the IELTS Test, and about me. The most important aspect of any IELTS teacher will ALWAYS be their quality, qualifications, and experience.

Read the following carefully, and be very careful with all the 'instant IELTS experts' popping up like mushrooms these days. IELTS marks can easily be taken down! You want it to go up, as the picture above, right? Then read the following.

IELTS 雅思國際英語測驗系統(The International English Language Testing System)由劍橋大學英語考試院設計用來評估欲前往英語系國家求學、移民或工作者在聽 、讀、寫四項全方位英語的溝通能力,與托福同樣為全球廣泛接受的英語測驗。

Andrew資歷簡介:1-8證明文件 http://aisielts.com/about-om/about/my-credentials/

  1. 澳洲墨爾本皇家理工學院教育學碩士
  2. 擁有英國劍橋大學英語教學證書CELTA, 1993和文憑 (DELTA, 1998)
  3. 擁有英國劍橋大學英語教師訓練資格2005,臺灣唯一的教師訓練師
  4. 1993年開始擔任英語教師,23年的雅思考試預備課程授課經驗
  5. 任教過的國家有澳洲、委內瑞拉、泰國、韓國及臺灣
  6. 曾任教於澳洲Monash學語言中心與IELTS測驗研習中心
  7. 已經出版5本雅思著作Practical IELTS Strategies系列-說、讀、寫作ㄧ、寫作二和模擬試題書
  8. 另外著有A Saharan JauntPromise Me, Promise Me二本書



Andrew老師也曾經在長庚大學, 長庚技術學院和輔仁大學任教

Andrew's IELTS Studio 是老師目前任教的地方

Website:  aisielts.com

Email:  andrewsieltsstudio@gmail.com                                                               

Location:  台北市館前路612樓之5

   New IELTS Courses will be starting soon. I hope to see you in my class. 


Answers to Collocation (4)

1.  People should apply more efforts to this.

2.  Nuclear power plants are vulnerable.

3.  Satellites assist in/facilitate communication.

4.  It is very expensive.

5.  The radiation has affected millions of people.

6.  There are many severe/serious problems associated with this.

7.  There are drawbacks/disadvantages to changing your career.

8.  That is why people should not have gun. [Don’t use ‘ownership’]



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