The above heading refers to an important issue to your IELTS success – in fact, this is a crucial issue, and one of the greatest factors why you are NOT doing so well in the IELTS test. Thus, this input is divided into six separate posts, and this is the fourth. Here we go.

Yes, reading IELTS ‘advice’ in Chinese is easy, so very easy, right? And everyone likes an easy way, and people can make easy money by giving it to you, but does your easy life gets you ahead? Really? But in contrast, reading material in English really gets you somewhere, and takes you forward. For example, reading my English-language written posts …

  • teaches you English vocabulary (such as ‘crucial’ and this word is almost always used wrongly. It doesn’t just mean ‘important’, thus ‘crucial reason’ = WRONG use; however, ‘crucial decision’, ‘crucial point’, ‘crucial moment’ = RIGHT use),
  • teaches you English grammar,
  • teaches you English collocation (that is, which words connect most naturally to which other words – such as the verb: ‘connect’ with the adverb: ‘naturally’, and good collocation is a key to getting IELTS Seven),
  • teaches you how to write English with style (as in the first of these posts, where ‘pompously posturing’ uses alliteration to really make a message get through).

Think about this carefully as you troll through the range of ‘experts’ writing in Chinese. Are they really helping you? Or just throwing up an easily digestible mix of the bland IELTS advice to get attention? Maybe you should not be so complacent?

So, what should you do? It's so easy to be led into a warm, dry, and easy world of Chinese 'IELTS advice', going in circles all the time. But look at the picture of the dog at the top of this page. That dog is making progress. That dog is brave - brave enough to plunge into, and go through that cold water. The journey won't necessarily be easy, but that dog knows where he wants to go, and he knows how to get there. And he just goes for it. You need to think like that dog. That dog should be you, and the water is English!

Jump into English, everyone, and go forward, and move ahead !

Well, I admit that that advice is a little vague, so in the next posts I will give more specific guidelines about how to think and act on this issue.


Check the meaning of the underlined words in the text (also given below).

  • crucial
  • alliteration
  • to troll (v)
  • digestible (adj)
  • bland (adj)
  • complacent (adj)
  • to plunge (v)
  • vague (adj)



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